Prime Minister Trudeau is right, the takeover threat is real. Present Trump said very seriously that Canada is heavily subsidized, about 200 billion a year, have no forces to protect them and if we cut down imports from Canada they will collapsed as a country. His exact words, “We are getting our country larger. We are making our country stronger and in the case of Canada, if this should happen (meaning cutting imports), I don’t know how they can do (survive as a country) without us”. The final punch, “Because without us, Canada doesn’t have a COUNTRY. They do all of their business with us and if we say, we want cars to be made in Detroit, I with a STROKE OF A PEN I CAN DO IT”.
This is the time Canadians must unite behind a person who have good international reputation to get this country through and that could be Mark Carney, a University professor said in his private conversation.